China emerges as key player in oncology with antibody-drug conjugates surge | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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China emerges as key player in oncology with antibody-drug conjugates surge

It represents 82% of the ADC pipeline in major APAC markets.

A surge in antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) is driving China to position itself as a key player in the oncology sector, according to GlobalData.

Of the 124 ADCs currently in development across Australia, Japan, and South Korea, China accounts for 102, representing 82% of the pipeline in major Asia Pacific markets.

Two ADCs were domestically developed amongst the eight approved in the country, namely Licartin for liver cancer and disitamab vedotin (Aidexi) for gastric cancer and urothelial cell carcinoma.

Meanwhile, 46 companies are engaged in developing ADC drugs across Phases I to III.

Moreover, strategic partnerships between key pharmaceutical companies and Chinese firms have surged in the past five years. A notable deal occurred in 2021 between Seagen Inc., now part of Pfizer Inc., and RemeGen, valued at $2.6b for the ADC Aidexi.

According to Nelluri Geetha, a Pharma Analyst at GlobalData, cancer is currently the leading cause of death in China and is expected to rise further.

“ADCs have become a focal point in oncology due to their ability to selectively target cancer cells, resulting in reduced off-target side effects,” Geetha said.


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