Abu Dhabi’s Burjeel Hospital launches centre for multiple sclerosis care | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East
Press photo from Burjeel Holdings website

Abu Dhabi’s Burjeel Hospital launches centre for multiple sclerosis care

The new facility also specialises in a range of autoimmune neurological disorders.

Burjeel Hospital in Abu Dhabi has unveiled a new centre dedicated to providing comprehensive care and treatment for patients with multiple sclerosis (MS).

According to the hospital, the facility will serve as a one-stop centre that offers diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation, symptom management, nutritional counselling, and psychological support.

Moreover, the centre features 3-Tesla MRI imaging, on-site optical coherence tomography, neurocognitive testing, and rehabilitation technologies including the Walk Bot, and a video lab with electromyography (EMG) gait analysis.

Meanwhile, the centre will also specialise in treating a range of autoimmune neurological disorders including Devic’s disease, transverse myelitis, autoimmune encephalitis (ADEM), and more.

“The Burjeel Multiple Sclerosis Center sets a new standard for MS care in the region by fostering a collaborative environment where multiple disciplines converge,” Waleed Tawfiq, COO, of Burjeel Hospital Abu Dhabi, said.

“Patients receive not only the latest medical treatments but also holistic support aimed at enhancing their overall well-being,” Tawfiq added.


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