KFSH&RC achieves world's first robotic liver transplant from living donor | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Saudi Arabia
Photo from KFSH&RC

KFSH&RC achieves world's first robotic liver transplant from living donor

The Organ Transplant Centre of Excellence has a record of 91 successful transplants last 2022.

The Organ Transplant Centre of Excellence (OTCoE) at King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre (KFSH&RC) has successfully conducted the world’s first fully robotic living donor liver transplant.

Performed in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, the historic achievement marked KFSH&RC's position as a respected figure in minimally invasive transplant surgery.

The entire procedure utilised advanced robotic technology to perform donor and recipient surgeries with heightened accuracy and minimal invasiveness from human contact. It has also been attributed to a reduction in the risk of patient complications, recovery time and prolonged hospital stays.

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The successful robotic liver transplant is one of the many milestones that KFSH&RC has set, including several kidney transplants. In 2022, the OTCoE had completed momentous 91 reciprocal transplants, more than any of its international counterparts.

Meanwhile, KFSH&RC's OTCoE has broadened its expertise by conducting kidney, liver, lung, pancreas, and intestine transplants – also known collectively as solid organ transplantation.

Through the advancement of their programme, KFSH&RC is persistent in the vast development of their medical technologies and world-class clinical research on a global scale.

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