Johnson & Johnson Vision wins Ophthalmology Product Innovation accolade at Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards 2023 | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Johnson & Johnson Vision wins Ophthalmology Product Innovation accolade at Healthcare Asia Medtech Awards 2023

Johnson & Johnson Vision,* a global leader in eye health and part of Johnson & Johnson MedTech,i launched a breakthrough soft therapeutic lens innovation, featuring RingBoostTM technology, specifically designed for slowing the progression of myopia in children – a  significant leap forward in managing the growing threat of myopia.

Myopia, also known as nearsightedness, is a growing global epidemic, with estimates that more than 70% of the APAC population will be myopic by the age of 21. Young children who develop myopia before the age of 12 are at greater risk of developing high myopia, making them more vulnerable to vision complications later in life. That is why it is crucial that the symptoms of myopia are controlled, but also provide solutions that have the potential to slow its progression in children. 

Johnson & Johnson Vision's ACUVUE® Abiliti™ brand was launched to address the prevalence and progression of myopia in children. The ACUVUE® Abiliti™ 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for Myopia Management are a breakthrough innovation specifically designed for children aged 7 to 12 years old,, and have been shown to reduce axial elongation by 0.105mm on average over 6 months, with about two times better efficacy in managing myopia progression versus traditional dual-focus lenses

In addition to its innovative technology, the daily wear, single-use, disposable lenses are built from silicone hydrogel (senofilcon A) lens material, the same material as ACUVUE® OASYS® 1-Day contact lenses, which have never been beaten in comfort. The smaller diameter of the lenses also makes for easier handling and a better fit for children.

Since its launch in Hong Kong, ACUVUE® AbilitiTM has achieved a strong level of awareness, ranking second in awareness at 21% in Hong Kong, and captured 21.1% market share in Hong Kong within six months. 

As an eye health leader, Johnson & Johnson Vision believes in leading with science and is actively shaping the standard of care for myopia management and equipping eye care professionals with the knowledge and skillset in myopia management through professional education, covering ~5,200 touchpoints, which is ~2.3X of total eye care professionals in Hong Kong within nine months of launch.

The Ophthalmology Product Innovation of the Year win is a recognition of the breakthrough innovation – ACUVUE® AbilitiTM 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for myopia management-, and Johnson & Johnson Vision's commitment to innovation and improving eye health.

The awards programme aims to recognise medtech companies that have risen above the hurdles brought by the COVID-19 pandemic, innovating breakthrough products, solutions, and initiatives to better serve their customers whilst remaining steadfast during the crisis.

*Johnson & Johnson Vision represents the products and services of Johnson & Johnson Surgical Vision, Inc., Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc., and the affiliates of both.

About Johnson & Johnson Visioni
At Johnson & Johnson Vision, part of Johnson & Johnson MedTechi, we have a bold ambition: to change the trajectory of eye health worldwide. Through our operating companies, we deliver innovation that enables eye care professionals to create better outcomes for patients throughout their lives, with products and technologies that address unmet needs including refractive error, cataracts, and dry eye. In communities with the greatest need, we work in collaboration to expand access to quality eye care, and we are committed to helping people see better, connect better, and live better. Visit us at jjvision.comfollow @JNJVision on TwitterJohnson & Johnson Vision on LinkedIn, and @JNJVision on Facebook.

About Johnson & Johnson MedTech
At Johnson & Johnson MedTech,i we unleash diverse healthcare expertise, purposeful technology, and a passion for people to transform the future of medical intervention and empower everyone to live their best life possible. For more than a century, we have driven breakthrough scientific innovation to address unmet needs and reimagine health. In surgery, orthopaedics, vision, and interventional solutions, we continue to help save lives and create a future where healthcare solutions are smarter, less invasive, and more personalised.


1 JJV Data on file, 2021. Development of Optical Design of ACUVUE® Abiliti™ 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for Myopia Management.
2 Morgan IG, French AN, Ashby RS, Guo X, Ding X, He M, Rose KA. The epidemics of myopia: Aetiology and prevention. Prog Retin Eye Res. 2018 Jan;62:134-149.
3 Hu Y et al. Association of Age at Myopia Onset with Risk of High Myopia in Adulthood in a 12-Year Follow-up of a Chinese Cohort. JAMA Ophthalmol. 2020;138:1–6.
4 JJV Data on File, 2021. Mechanical Design of ACUVUE® Abiliti™ 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for Myopia Management- Effect on Fit and Handling.
5 JJV Data on File, 2021. Efficacy of ACUVUE® Abiliti™ 1-Day Soft Therapeutic Lenses for Myopia Management: Comparative Claims vs. Single Vision and Dual Focus Lenses.
6 is a website maintained by the NIH. The 27 clinical studies evaluated subjective comfort as a primary or secondary endpoint for ACUVUE OASYS Brand 2-week family, ACUVUE OASYS 1-Day Brand family, and ACUVUE OASYS MAX 1-Day Brand family of contact lenses, vs. competitors’ products. Review conducted as of October 31, 2022.

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