Here's why you shouldn't miss the 3rd Healthcare Asia Forum Roadshow Series | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines

Here's why you shouldn't miss the 3rd Healthcare Asia Forum Roadshow Series

The region’s top healthcare execs will talk about how to stay ahead of industry trends.

Healthcare Asia is back with the third Healthcare Asia Forum - Roadshow Series in Manila, Jakarta, and Bangkok this May 2019.

The annual forum will tackle the most pressing issues in today’s hospitals, including changing market structures, groundbreaking healthcare policies, and different approaches towards technological disruptions.

As Asian governments aggressively drive up healthcare budgets to address their populations’ changing needs, with World Bank figures pointing to spending taking up 6.77% of the East Asia & the Pacific’s GDP, hospitals needs to keep up and maximise investments not only to boost returns but to spur innovation.

A mix of healthcare executives and thought leaders in the government and private sector will gather to exchange ideas on the future of healthcare in Asia.

The confirmed speakers for the Manila leg are:

  • Chris Hardesty, Director, Life Sciences, KPMG
  • Gerardo S. Manzo, M.D., OIC - Executive Director and Assistant Director Medical Services, Philippine Heart Center
  • Marcellus Francis Ramirez, M.D., Assistant Medical Director, University of Santo Tomas Hospital
  • Teodoro Herbosa MD FPCS, Executive Vice President, University of the Philippines, former Chief, Division of Trauma Surgery, Philippine General Hospital
  • Ma. Gia B. Sison, MD DPCOM, Chief Medical Officer, Global Telehealth Incorporated
  • Dr. Arturo S. De La Peña, President & CEO, St. Luke's Medical Center
  • Rafael C. Solis, MBA-H, Executive Vice President, Hospital Operations Group, St. Luke's Medical Center
  • Maria Martina Geraldine Q. Dimalibot, PHD, R.N., Senior Vice President, Chief Nursing Officer, St. Luke's Medical Center
  • Dr. Mario C. Villaverde, MPH, MPM, CESO I, Undersecretary of Health Policy and Systems Development Team, Department of Health
  • Benjamin S.A. Campomanes, Jr., M.D., Senior Vice President & Chief Medical Officer, St. Luke's Medical Center
  • Joseph Mocanu, Managing Partner, Verge HealthTech Fund and Advisor, Lifetrack Medical Systems Inc.

The confirmed speakers for the Jakarta leg are:

  • Chris Hardesty, Director, Life Sciences, KPMG
  • Amelia Hendra, Commercial Group Head, Siloam Hospitals Group
  • Dr. Num Tanthuwanit, Deputy Group CEO, OMNI Hospitals Group
  • Dr. Aditya Nugraha, M. Biomed, Hospital Director, Awal Bros Hospital Group
  • Nathanael Faibis, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Alodokter Indonesia
  • Budi Legowo, Deputy CEO, Sorac Capital

The confirmed speakers for the Bangkok leg are:

  • Chris Hardesty, Director, Life Sciences, KPMG
  • David Thomas Boucher, Chief Business Transformation Officer, Bumrungrad International Hospital
  • Dr. Phusit Prakongsai, Acting Senior Advisor on Health Promotion, Ministry of Public Health
  • Tullawat Pacharapha, M.D., Ph.D., Chief Operating Officer, Vejthani Hospital
  • Michael David Mitchell, Hospital Director, Bangkok International Hospital

If you are interested to attend, you may contact Andrea Pascual at [email protected] or at +65 3158 1386 ext 212.

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