China's WeDoctor launches platform to integrate medical services in Greater Bay Area | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, China

China's WeDoctor launches platform to integrate medical services in Greater Bay Area

It has also set up nine city service bases in the region.

Chinese healthcare solutions service We Doctor Holdings launched its WeDoctor Greater Bay Area Healthcare Platform in order to provide a healthcare ecosystem in the Greater Bay Area which encompasses cities like Hong Kong, Macau and Guangdong, an announcement revealed.

The platform is driven by information technology such as artificial intelligence (AI) and big data to create a bridge that connects and integrates healthcare, pharmaceutical and medical insurance services in Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macau, the announcement stated.

“It will provide online and offline healthcare services to the Greater Bay Area population through an innovative model and state-of-the-art technology in response to the rapid development of the area and to fulfil the growing healthcare demand therein,” WeDoctor’s chairman and chief executive officer Jerry Liao said.

Meanwhile, WeDoctor also announced the appointment of Hong Kong Hospital Authority’s former chairman Anthony Wu as the chairman for the new platform.

WeDoctor’s first city base is located in the Zhuhai People’s Hospital and provides services such as internet diagnosis and treatment, remote joint medical consultation and family health management online in a step to better match patients with specialists and subject experts, the announcement revealed.

“The Zhuhai base can provide health management membership service to residents in the region, and integrated services including appointment making between regional medical organisations, hospital transfer, consultation, online health management and convenient medication dispensing,” WeDoctor said.

The development of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area is part of China’s national strategy, which is deemed as the region with the strongest composite capability and most vibrant economy according to WeDoctor.

WeDoctor currently has a regional network of 79 hospitals and over 10,000 medical practitioners, as well as 500 pharmacies and consultation centres. 

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