Meet St. Luke's Medical Center's Arturo de la Peña at the 2018 Healthcare Asia Forum in Manila | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines

Meet St. Luke's Medical Center's Arturo de la Peña at the 2018 Healthcare Asia Forum in Manila

He'll discuss the complexities of health information system.

Dr Arturo de la Peña is a professor in surgery at the University of the Philippines College of Medicine and a medical director at the St. Luke's Hospital Global City. 

He will be among the speakers at the 2018 Healthcare Asia Forum, Manila leg. The event will be happening on March 1 at Makati Shangri-La.

What are your previous experiences and positions held that contributed to who you are as an expert in the healthcare industry today?

Residency – UP-PGH, Department of Surgery (1985)

1st General Surgery

· Fellowship in Gastrointestinal Surgery – Toranomon Hospital, Tokyo Japan under Prof. Hiroshi Akiyama (1987-1988)

· Chairman – Philippine Board of Surgery (2004)

· President – Philippine College of Surgeons (2005)

· Medical Director – St. Luke’s Medical Center Global City (2012-2017)

· President and Chief Executive Officer – St. Luke’s Medical Center (2017-present)

· In active practice in General Surgery & Surgical Oncology (1986-present)

- Philippine General Hospital

- Manila Doctors Hospital

- Makati Medical Center

- St. Luke’s Medical Center

What are your key business philosophies?

Aligned to St. Luke’s Medical Center, “the needs of our patient’s come first”.

Can you give us a glimpse of what you will talk about at the Healthcare Asia Forum?

Establishing a clear governance structure and adopting a framework is necessary to help the corporation navigate amidst the complexity of Health Information System. The top management must model clear leadership in aligning enterprise goal with the IT Strategy to enable artificial intelligence a chance to succeed.

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