Saudi Arabia launches Medical Referral Centre unified platform | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East
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Saudi Arabia launches Medical Referral Centre unified platform

The platform supports the country's Vision 2030 for better quality and access to health services.

Saudi Arabia has launched a unified platform for the Medical Referral Centre to further advance the country’s medical services.

The national platform is set to manage the workflow of medical referrals, follow up on capacity and beds, and manage treatment requests between regions and outside the Kingdom. 

According to the Ministry of Health (MoH), beneficiaries are transferred between health facilities inside and outside the country and between all medical service provision levels.

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“This is done through unified work procedures and legislation, and a unified electronic platform for referrals so that the follow-up of operations depends on real and transparent information about the capabilities of hospitals,” The ministry said.

The platform’s launch is in line with the Kingdom’s Vision 2030 programme to facilitate better quality and access to health services.


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