RPA introduces safe staffing levels in emergency department
It ensures a one-to-one nurse-to-patient ratio for resuscitation beds.
Royal Prince Alfred Hospital (RPA) has implemented safe staffing levels, making it the latest NSW hospital to adopt the Minns Labor Government’s healthcare reforms.
RPA recently recruited over 21 full-time equivalent (FTE) nurses in its Emergency Department to meet the Safe Staffing Level requirements.
The initiative ensures a one-to-one nurse-to-patient ratio for occupied resuscitation beds and a one-to-three ratio for occupied ED treatment spaces and short-stay unit beds.
The Safe Staffing Levels Taskforce, which includes the NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association (NSWNMA), NSW Health, and local health districts, is overseeing the rollout. The government has committed to hiring 2,480 FTE nurses over four years, starting with level 5 and 6 emergency departments.
The initiative is part of broader efforts to strengthen the healthcare workforce, including funding 1,112 permanent nurse and midwife positions, removing the wages cap, increasing pay for health workers, adding 500 paramedics in regional areas, and launching a study subsidies scheme for health workers.
RPA is the fourth hospital to complete recruitment and roster Safe Staffing Levels, following John Hunter Hospital, which recently hired 48 additional FTE nurses.
"These safe staffing measures will deliver improved staffing numbers to provide care for patients in their time of need, while supporting our frontline staff,” said Health Minister Ryan Park.
“RPA has one of the busiest EDs in the state and the new safe staffing initiative is an additional measure to ensure patients will continue to receive world class care."