Parkway Medical Services and Caritas HK ink MoU for hospital redevelopment | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Hong Kong
Press photo from Gleneagles Hospital Hong Kong website

Parkway Medical Services and Caritas HK ink MoU for hospital redevelopment

The partnership is set to develop a space for inpatient and ambulatory services.

Parkway Medical Services (PMS) and Caritas – Hong Kong have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) for the redevelopment project of Precious Blood Hospital (Caritas).

The redevelopment project will be implemented in phases, starting with the development of a new clinical space for inpatient and ambulatory services.

Moreover, the hospital’s clinical services will focus on the provision of outpatient consultation, elderly healthcare services, and high-volume day and elective operations or procedures.

Meanwhile, the project’s next phase involves the hospital’s renovation to provide more beds and day procedures. 

“We are delighted to partner with Caritas whereby we can contribute to the project our experience in hospital development and operation, as well as in delivering excellent and seamless service experience,” Kenneth Tsang, CEO of PMS, said.

“We believe that the redeveloped hospital will aptly address the healthcare needs of patients in the neighbourhood and beyond,” Tsang added.


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