Bangkok Hospital introduces AI-powered system for patient registration | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Thailand
Photo from Bangkok Hospital website

Bangkok Hospital introduces AI-powered system for patient registration

It offers patient identity verification and initial symptom screening through self-service kiosks or staff tablets.

Bangkok Hospital, in partnership with Agnost Health, has developed a patient registration system that utilises artificial intelligence (AI) technology.

After two years of development, the fully operational Smart Registration System can be accessed through self-service kiosks or staff tablets for services such as patient identity verification and initial symptom screening.

We invest in what adds value to patients. The goal of developing this system is to streamline processes for our clients and establish service standards,” Somrit Jantarapratin, Deputy CIO at Bangkok Hospital Group, said.

To realise this goal, the new system aims to reduce registration steps by 45% and digitise patient information for minimal data entry errors.

“Another clear benefit is the elimination of paper-based documentation. Digital transformation should coincide with Environment, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, such as reducing paper usage,” Jantarapratin added.

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