Australia unveils redeveloped Goulburn Hospital in NSW | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Australia
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Australia unveils redeveloped Goulburn Hospital in NSW

The redevelopment features new facilities and improved healthcare access.

The Australian government has announced the completion of the $110m (A$165m) Goulburn Hospital and Health Service redevelopment project in New South Wales (NSW).

The redeveloped health facility features a new emergency department, an intensive care unit, a medical imaging department, and digital theatres for the Goulburn region.

Moreover, patients have access to improved services for ambulatory care, cancer care, Aboriginal health, and pathology collections within the hospital’s upgraded facilities.

“The expanded range of health services now available at Goulburn means the hospital can provide a higher level of healthcare to patients when they need it most, improving health outcomes for the people of the region,” Minister for Regional Health, Ryan Park, said.

In line with this, services have been relocated from Bourke Street Health Service to the Goulburn Hospital campus.

“The completion of the project is an exciting moment in the delivery of healthcare for the people of Goulburn, representing the most significant upgrade the Goulburn Hospital has seen in its remarkable 130-year history,” Park added.

A$1 = $0.67


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