Abu Dhabi’s Amana Healthcare eyes Bahrain expansion with new centre | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Middle East
Press photo from Amana healthcare website

Abu Dhabi’s Amana Healthcare eyes Bahrain expansion with new centre

The facility will focus on long-term care services for patients with complex medical conditions.

Abu Dhabi-based Amana Healthcare, a subsidiary of the M42 group, is set to expand its operations by 2025 with a new centre focusing on long-term care and post-acute rehabilitation.

The expansion is through a collaboration between M42 and Bahrain Mumtalakat Holding Company (Mumtalakat), the country’s sovereign wealth fund.

Through the partnership, the upcoming centre will provide services for people with complex medical needs that require extended inpatient stays. 

Furthermore, the facility will feature a dedicated laboratory, radiology, pharmacy, therapy rooms, gym, hydrotherapy, majlis, and recreational spaces.

Amana’s expansion aligns with Bahrain's Vision 2030 objectives, which aim to upgrade clinical outcomes and address the evolving healthcare requirements by enhancing the quality and accessibility of healthcare.

“Together, we aim to contribute to the Kingdom's economic development, particularly in vital sectors such as healthcare,” Shaikh Abdulla bin Khalifa Al Khalifa, CEO of Mumtalakat, said.

“This presents an opportunity to enhance the existing healthcare landscape in Bahrain by addressing crucial gaps and delivering added value services to the community, in addition to creating highly skilled jobs for Bahrainis," Al Khalifa added.


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