Ayala Healthcare Holdings
Ayala Healthcare Holdings, Inc. (AC Health) was established in June 2015 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Ayala Corporation. At AC Health, we aim to address the fundamental gaps in access, affordability, and quality that exist for many Filipinos today.
See below for the Latest Ayala Healthcare Holdings News, Analysis, Profit Results, Share Price Information, and Commentary.
Healthway Cancer Care Hospital is now 75% complete
Healthway Cancer Care Hospital is now 75% complete
Dedicated cancer care centre targets Q3 launching.
AC Health cancer specialty hospital expected to open in Q3 23
Philippines’ first dedicated cancer hospital is over 75% complete.
How AC Health managed to employ an integrated ecosystem approach in responding to COVID-19
Its holistic approach in curbing COVID-19 has allowed AC Health to cover the entire continuum of care services.
Why preventing diseases through adult immunisation is essential to keeping Singaporeans healthy