Here’s why Riverstone Holdings is well positioned to withstand demand headwinds | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Singapore

Here’s why Riverstone Holdings is well positioned to withstand demand headwinds

It’ll be boosted by favorable forex movement.

Headwinds plague the healthcare gloves industry, but the firm is on the optimum position to weather the tide, according to analysts.

According to a report by RHB Research, Riverstone Holdings shouldn’t worry about the industry’s overcapacity when it increases its capacity by 1 billion pieces, as its existing customers are likely to continue allocating more orders to the firm.

Additionally, new customers from North America are also expected to increase their orders, according to the report.

“The company’s niche cleanroom business would also act as a defensive cushion, as there is much less competition. On top of that, Riverstone is also launching new products suited for the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, battery and solar space industries,” RHB Research said.

Meanwhile, the upward trend of USD/MYR will result in a better forex-related performance for the firm.

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