CMUH adopts GenAI medical record system | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, China
Photo from CMUH

CMUH adopts GenAI medical record system

The gHi system is the first GenAI medical record technology in Mandarin.

China Medical University Hospital (CMUH) has partnered with Microsoft Taiwan for the launch of the Generative Healthcare Intelligent (gHi) System, the first GenAI medical record system in Mandarin and the first Mandarin version of Nuance applications.

In a statement, CMUH said gHi will mostly be applied to the hospital's medical records, allowing a reduced time of 75%.

Through the system, verbal inputs from healthcare professionals are recognised and documented, generating medical records through the AI engine. According to Der-Yang Cho, Superintendent of CMUH, the gHi will be used for preparing inpatient medical records, exporting examination reports, and handling customised requests.

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With support from Microsoft Azure GPT-4, professionals can use language models to summarise and analyse text, improving medical record quality and facilitating interdisciplinary communication between users.

“Healthcare professionals are known to bear heavy burdens and stress, as they need to respond to patient needs and make decisions in emergency settings. All of these can ensure the accuracy and stability of ‘gHi System’ constructed by CMUH. Microsoft's global endeavours to introduce AI-powered verbal recognition into healthcare have borne fruit,” Sean Pien, General Manager at Microsoft Taiwan, said.

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