DOH calls for proposals and expressions of interest for the AHEAD with HPSR Program | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines
Photo by Jonathan Borba from Unsplash

DOH calls for proposals and expressions of interest for the AHEAD with HPSR Program

The programme will support Universal Health Care in the Philippines.

The Department of Health (DOH) issued a call for proposals and expression of interest for the 2025 Advancing Health through Evidence Assisted – Decisions with Health Policy and Systems Research programme.

It will serve to support Universal Health Care in the Philippines, aligning with DOH’s health plans, policies, investments, and monitoring mechanisms with the National Objective for Health (NOH).

For the submissions of proposals, proponents have to regard the policy directions of DOH, particularly with the Medium Term Research Agenda and the Department’s 8-Point Action Agenda.

Discussions with end users within the Department are encouraged for full awareness of the needs and priorities of the health sector.

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As for submissions of expression of interest, proposals have to consider programme priorities in support of Universal Health Care and its Implementing Rules and Regulations in the Philippines.

Expressions of interest should stem from different DOH consultations with end-user offices, such as priority areas for inclusion in DOH’s Medium Term Research Agenda for CY 2023-2028, NOH and the 8-Point Action Agenda of the Department, as well as other priorities from other agencies involved.

Interested individuals and groups, preferably with sector affiliations that are DOST-approved, are welcome to apply. Projects posted are for implementation with CY 2025.

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