PH big-ticket hospital PPPs up for bids
Bidding for these projects may commence in the first half of 2022.
Big-ticket healthcare public-private partnership (PPP) projects are coming to the Philippines this year, paving the way for needed hospital capacity in Metro Manila.
According to the PPP Center, it has readied the bidding for a new Philippine General Hospital (PGH) in Quezon City and a 300-bed PGH cancer centre in Manila. The two projects will be implemented by the University of the Philippines.
"Once approved, bidding for these critical health infrastructure projects may commence in the early quarters of 2022," the PPP Center said in the statement to the Philippine Daily Inquirer.
The integrated healthcare facility in Quezon City will include a 700-bed university teaching and research hospital, a college of medicine, and a genomic cancer research centre. Meanwhile, the PGH cancer centre will be a specialized facility dedicated to treating underprivileged Filipinos.