OUE Lippo Healthcare inks deal to develop high-end international hospital in Shenzhen | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, China

OUE Lippo Healthcare inks deal to develop high-end international hospital in Shenzhen

The hospital will have more than 200 beds serving the local community.

Investment holdings firm OUE Lippo Healthcare (OUELH) signed deals with China Merchants Shekou Industrial Zone Holdings Co. (CMSK) to jointly develop and operate a high-end international hospital in Prince Bay, Shenzhen, an announcement revealed.

The proposed hospital project is expected to house more than 200 beds serving the local community, the firm stated. Shekou, where the hospital will be located, is an expat-focused and is home to many Fortune 500 Chinese companies said to be attracted to the area’s connectivity to Hong Kong and growth potential.

The hospital is a flagship development by OUELH and Hong Kong-based state-owned conglomerate China Merchants Grout (CMG), the statement added.

“The hospital project is a significant milestone in strengthening our partnership with CMG, bringing together our international healthcare expertise and their in-depth local market knowledge,” UOELH board director Stephen Riady said in a statement.

Also read: WeDoctor Greater Bay Area platform unveils China's first provincial-level internet hospital

In addition, the hospital project is said to benefit from the medical tourism industry growth in the Greater Bay Area which encompasses cities such as Guangdong, Hong Kong and Macao.

“As a leading region for new and high technological industries in China, the Greater Bay Area will develop as a dominant economic powerhouse in the coming years,” OUELH chairman Lee Yi Shyan said in a statement. “When completed, our international hospital in Prince Bay will be well-placed to cater to the growing demand for specialised and quality healthcare services in the area.” 

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