Healthcare Asia Roadshow Forum kicks off in Manila | Healthcare Asia Magazine
, Philippines

Healthcare Asia Roadshow Forum kicks off in Manila

The event was graced by over 85 leaders in healthcare.

The first leg of 2018 Healthcare Asia Roadshow Forum kicked off at the Makati Shangri-La on 1 March. 

The event was graced by over 85 business leaders and decision makers from different hospitals across the Philippines.

Erlinda Oracion, Clinical Quality Director at The Medical City, opened the event and discussed how the current healthcare delivery model is quickly running out of currency because of the lack of third party players that can finance staggering costs.

This was echoed by Andrew Licaros Jr. of the Asian Medical Center, who noted that there is no glaring lack of good intent nor knowledge in the local healthcare scene but that the problem is, more often than not, how much it costs to deliver quality services.

Speakers from the government also shared their insights from a regulatory perspective that is unique to the Philippines.

Dr. Teodoro Herbosa, Executive Vice President at the University of the Philippines system, tackled the government’s current efforts to improve and monitor healthcare services. He also discussed how public hospitals are gaining a competitive edge after securing another source of revenue following the passage of the Sin Tax law in 2012.

Dr. Enrique Tayag, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Health, narrated the push to establish provincial healthcare networks should the country push through with federalism and get divided into small nation-states.

Speakers also discussed the current threats against doing the business and practice of healthcare.

Rustico Jimenez, president of the Private Hospitals Association of the Philippines, bemoaned the chronic lack of adequate facilities and medical personnel as well as certain legislation that govern how doctors should conduct their medical practice.

Dr. Oscar Tinio M.D., former president of the Philippine Medical Association, outlined the various dangers facing the healthcare system and mentioned how the armed conflict in the Marawi siege laid waste to the Amai Pakpak Medical Center.

He also lamented the rising number of doctors and provincial health officers killed in the line of duty and the increasing politicisation of the healthcare system.

Meanwhile, Raymund Brett Medel, Group Chief Information Officer, The Medical City, urged hospitals to prioritise cybersecurity amidst the growing threats from cyberattacks. “The strength of your IT security is only as strong as your weakest staff,” he said.

This was affirmed by Dr. Arturo dela Peña, CEO at St. Luke’s Medical Center, one of the country’s leading digital healthcare providers. SLMC recently rolled out its digital transformation plan last November 2017 as it aims to build on its petabyte data storage and record capacity.

However, Attorney Bu Castro, former president of the Philippine Hospital Association, argued that the system has few weak points since the industry is still in a nascent stage where hospitals still keep physical patient records instead of digital ones.

The 2018 Healthcare Asia Awards will also be held in Jakarta (March 22) and Kuala Lumpur (April 26).


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