Singapore launches Centre for Sustainable Medicine | Healthcare Asia Magazine
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Singapore launches Centre for Sustainable Medicine

It will lead the shift to net-zero healthcare and train future leaders to fight climate change.

Singapore officially unveiled the Centre for Sustainable Medicine on March 13th, aimed at mitigating the impact of climate change on healthcare.

The Centre for Sustainable Medicine, touted as the first research centre in Asia and the largest in the world, will spearhead the transition towards net-zero healthcare and equip future healthcare leaders with the necessary skills to combat climate change.

“The launch of the Centre for Sustainable Medicine is a timely initiative that will bring together leading experts and clinicians from around the world to establish a new field of medicine and transform clinical practice,” Senior Minister of State for Sustainability and the Environment, Dr. Amy Khor, said at the launching event.

Additionally, the centre will serve as a hub for cutting-edge research and innovative solutions to ensure high-quality, low-carbon care.

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Khor noted Singapore's vulnerability to climate change, including rising temperatures, extreme weather events, and sea-level rise, all of which are seen to pose significant health risks.

These changes were seen to exacerbate issues such as vector-borne diseases, heat stress, air pollution-related illnesses, and mental health concerns.

She added that the healthcare sector itself contributes to emissions and environmental degradation, necessitating a concerted effort to reduce its carbon footprint.

Dr. Khor emphasized the importance of transforming clinical practices, reducing waste, and adopting sustainable technologies to mitigate these impacts.

“Climate change is the biggest health threat of this century. Hence, the healthcare sector needs to reassess and re-calibrate the way health services are provided,” she said.

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