Prince Court Medical Centre raises the bar in medical tourism | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Prince Court Medical Centre raises the bar in medical tourism

Its patient-centred approach ensures the people’s experience is as seamless as possible.

Prince Court Medical Centre, a leading Malaysian private hospital, continues to raise the bar for quality, patient-centred care with its commitment to best-in-class medical services and exceptional service delivery that caters to patients from around the world.

This includes offering guaranteed single rooms to each patient, personalised care and touches of luxury including concierge services, dedicated teams of customer relations and doctor liaison officers, an international business lounge, fine-dining culinary menus, and multilingual interpreters.

With a reputation for providing unparalleled medical care and a commitment to putting patients first, Prince Court Medical Centre's approach to medical tourism is centred on providing world-class care for international patients. It has dedicated teams in place to help international patients navigate the healthcare system and ensure that their experience is as seamless as possible through a comprehensive approach to medical tourism.

In the hospital, patients are treated as partners in their care and are involved in every decision made about their health. Prince Court Medical Centre's healthcare teams work together to ensure that each patient receives the best possible care and outcomes. The company’s provision of accountability and transparency also ensures its patients’ confidence and peace of mind in receiving excellent services.

Meanwhile, with the global demand of pushing for sustainability across industries, Prince Court Medical Centre acknowledges this commitment to the healthcare industry. With its actions to reduce its environmental footprint and implement numerous initiatives to reduce waste, conserve energy, and protect the environment, the hospital honours its values of being a responsible and accountable healthcare provider.

This approach has earned Prince Court Medical Centre a reputation for delivering exceptional medical care and has helped it to build a loyal following of patients from around the world. The hospital recognises its importance as a key industry player in elevating healthcare for the country and continues to strengthen its provision of exemplary quality care through its integrated, team-based approach, which puts the needs of every patient first. 

“Prince Court Medical Centre strives to continuously provide access to the best team of multidisciplinary experts and healthcare professionals in a high-tech environment, based on a foundation of integrity, professionalism, and dedication towards making a difference in the lives of our patients, and to care for good,” said Cindy Choe, CEO of Prince Court Medical Centre.

This commitment to excellence has earned the recognition of the Healthcare Asia Awards for which Prince Court Medical Centre brings home the Medical Tourism Hospital of the Year - Malaysia category win.

The prestigious awards programme aims to honour hospitals, clinics and other healthcare providers that have risen above the challenges and made a remarkable impact by innovating and reinventing initiatives to better serve patients and protect employees.

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