Re-engineering accessibility and cultivating a healthy environment | Healthcare Asia Magazine

Re-engineering accessibility and cultivating a healthy environment

NKTI wins awards at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2022. 

With the arrival of the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare institutions were faced with a lot of challenges to overcome, especially as the brunt of the pandemic was being carried by the healthcare industry and felt by the marginalised sectors without access to proper medical care Not only were medical and operational capabilities tested during the height of the pandemic, but also the adaptability and management of institutions, and the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) addressed these set of unique challenges. In doing so, they are awarded the Service Delivery Innovation Initiative of the Year - Philippines Award and the Employee Engagement of the Year - Philippines Award at the Healthcare Asia Awards 2022. 

The awards programme recognises remarkable performances or cutting-edge development from Healthcare organisations across Asia, and NKTI’s efforts to establish the first peritoneal dialysis centre for excellence in the Philippines whilst battling the pandemic and their efforts to create a culture of recognition, engagement, and reinforcement towards and amongst their staff exalted them from their competitors. 

NKTI-Baxter Peritoneal Dialysis (PD) Center of Excellence 

An innovative collaboration of the Public-Private Partnership (PPP) between NKTI and Baxter Health Philippines Inc. (BHPI) bore fruit on the 3rd of May 2021 as the first PD Center of Excellence in the Philippines and in Asia opened, combining infrastructure to the provision of peritoneal dialysis solutions and accessories. The facility is a state-of-the-art one-stop-shop for patients, where they can collect their monthly supply of PD solutions, have clinic visits with their physicians, or undergo an automated PD treatment outpatient session, all within a two-storey 1,000 square meter property built together by NKTI and BHPI, along with the supplies tie-up for PD solutions that spans for five years. 

Aligned with its vision to provide the highest quality of care for the Filipino patient at par with global standards, the NKTI being the first healthcare institution in the Philippines to adopt the PD First Policy for patients diagnosed with end-stage kidney failure, recognised this treatment modality as the most affordable, accessible, and sustainable form of treatment for a developing country since it is not capital intensive, requires limited personnel, and is performed by patients in the convenience and comfort of their homes. Presently, there are more than 1,000 patients from the NKTI enrolled under the PD Z-Benefit of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation, and 2,900 PD bags are dispensed daily for these patients, with about 40 patients, availing of the efficient service that the PD Center offers daily. 

The NKTI-Baxter PD Center can accommodate 70,000 bags of two-litre PD solutions and clinical areas allow support for up to 1,000 patients. To further enhance this initiative, other efficient processes were adopted by the Institution, such as the establishment of a patient call center, tele-training through an online platform, and computer tablets containing instructional materials for PD training, all in an effort to ensure the highest quality of patient care.

Caring for the Carer 

Loss of income and work became an unwanted side effect of the measures enacted to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines, with food supply becoming vulnerable and the country’s healthcare system being overwhelmed, highlighting the crucial role nurses play within hospitals and communities. NKTI faced staffing shortages as the volume of patients coming to the hospital continued to rise coupled with the fear of infecting loved ones loomed over the minds of our healthcare workers. 

To encourage and develop employee engagement amidst the crisis, the KAMUS-TALK programme was launched as a way to provide a supportive working environment and partner with nursing staff in upholding their health and well-being by means of focus group discussions through virtual platforms and face-to-face meetings. Not only are physical needs addressed, but key issues such as emotional and mental issues are opened, improving the overall well-being of the staff. 

Celebrating a culture of praise and recognition, Annual Praise Day was established to recognise exemplary performances and achievements during the pandemic, exalting the efforts and sacrifices the nursing staff had poured into the Institution. Staff training and education through the novice to expert paradigm assist the nursing staff in attaining mastery of their clinical skills, as it is crucial that they are equipped with the knowledge and expertise needed to perform their roles efficiently.

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